NEW Book Reveals 7 Science-Backed Formula To Look 10 Years Younger Than Your Chronological Age

... In Less Than 12 Months

Learn the fastest, simplest, and least expensive way to drop those unsightly pounds, look 10 years younger than your age, say farewell to those annoying aches and pains, while having tons of energy to accomplish all the incredible things you've been dreaming of doing for years!



7 Science-Based Keys To Reverse Aging, Supercharge Your Health And Look Fabulous

by Holly Roylance (FDN, AADP, HHC, Anti-Aging Specialist)

My time-tested system is for ANYONE who has tried to get healthier without success....and is NOW determined to reach their health goals once and for all!

Is This YOU?

Have you tried countless programs to lose weight, look younger, and become a better version of yourself... without the results you were hoping for?

If so... my program could be your ticket to better health, and 

a richer, more vibrant, and exciting life... because you'll have the physical energy and brain power to fuel your dreams.

Let Me Ask You This 

How Long Has It Been Since You've Felt Comfortable In Your Own Skin?

When Was The Last Time You Looked In The Mirror And Were Pleased With Your Appearance?

Are You Devastated Because Your Favorite Jeans Are Too Tight To Wear?

I Feel Your Pain Because I Was Once YOU!

Get Healthy & STAY Healthy

Hey there.... my name is Holly. I teach people who are ready to throw in the towel in frustration, make lasting and sustainable changes to not only get healthy, but to stay healthy, using safe therapies that WORK... right from the convenience and comfort of their own homes. 

My 7-pronged approach to health is one I've used personally for decades

to maintain my ideal weight, look much younger than my chronological age, reduce inflammation, halt the oxidative cascade, and boost my immune function..... so that I rarely catch the latest virus that's going around. 

Now that I'm in my 60s, I want to share my synergistic formula with YOU. The 7 tips in my book outline the keys that will lead to the results you've always hoped for. 

The information in my book will teach you WHY these strategies work, and how to integrate them into your life for the best results.

30 Years Ago 

I Almost Bled To Death

… this blood loss was caused from a uterine hemorrhage after I had given birth to my third child. The cause of the bleeding was never determined. I had bled so profusely that I was given blood transfusions to save my life.

I will NEVER forget... that surreal feeling, of being whisked away in a speeding ambulance, the EMT screaming to the driver: "Drive faster, her blood pressure keeps dropping, we're losing her!"

After I was received numerous blood transfusions, I was given an experimental drug, as a last ditch effort, to save my life. Which it did....

This Terrifying, Yet Life-Changing Experience, 

Propelled Me On A Health Odyssey

... that continues to this day. I was diagnosed with a condition, called Sheehan's Syndrome, or maternal hypopituitarism. 

This rare condition, caused by extreme blood loss and dangerously low blood pressure, during or after childbirth, causes damage to the pituitary gland due to oxygen deprivation. 

The pituitary gland produces hormones that are essential for the body to function properly. These hormones direct glands within the endocrine system to produce their respective hormones.

I Cannot Begin To Describe How Awful I Felt

Without input from the pituitary, the individual endocrine glands fail to produce the necessary hormones, in the correct physiological amounts, that are needed for optimal physiology. I cannot begin to describe how awful I felt.... "abysmal" best describes how terrible I felt. 

This sent me on a decade-long journey to learn the role that hormones play in the body. This quest was not easy... I didn't have information at my fingertips, like I do now, with the convenience of the internet.

Although, it took me years to fully recover my health... I am immensely grateful for all that I've learned. The application of that knowledge enabled me to raise four children, become a functional health practitioner and health educator, while coaching clients using lifestyle medicine and functional lab testing.

You Can Read More About My Health Journey In My Book

I Can Almost Hear You Asking: "How

Is Your Approach Different Than What

Others Are Teaching?"

Let me break it down for you...

My approach differs in that, the tips when followed together, are like fire power to blast fat

and reverse aging... this is because your body will be getting what it needs to function at an

optimal level... as systems in the body are being leveraged to optimize human biochemistry and physiology.

It's The SYNERGY Of All The Tips Being Used Simultaneously That Produces The Alchemy

Reading My Book Will Show You How To

Sleep Soundly & Wake Up Refreshed Every Morning

... and no longer dread trying your clothes on in the morning because you look and feel amazing. 

Enjoy Nurturing & Authentic Relationships

This includes your relationship with food. Say goodbye to those annoying cravings that have sabotaged your best laid plans to lose weight and keep it off.

Feel Calm, Content & Centered, Rather Than Anxious & Depressed

Finally enjoy your workout sessions... because now you have more than enough energy to complete them.

Enjoy Better Digestion & Nutrient Absorption

... while saving money from no longer having to take hoards of expensive supplements.

Get Excited About Your Dreams Once Again

Enjoy playing with your kids and grandkids now that you're agile enough to get on the floor.

Feel Younger, Sexier & More At Home In Your Body

Bask in the compliments you receive from others, raving how beautiful your skin looks and how much younger you look.

And... FINALLY End The Hormonal Havoc That Has Plagued You For Years 

Included In My Book   


7 Science-Based Tips To Reverse Aging, Supercharge Your Health And Look Fabulous

How, What, & When To Eat reduce inflammation, slow aging, balance hormones, burn fat, and boost immune function.

The Repercussions Of Emotional Trauma On Human Physiology

… along with the one ingredient in life that can either be the secret sauce or a pervasive poison.

Why Detoxification Is Absolutely Vital

... for fat-burning, hormonal balance, blood sugar control, and to prevent accelerated aging.

How To Harness The Healing Powers Of Hydrogen & Oxygen

... to prevent and ameliorate disease, reduce inflammation and oxidation in the body, while slowing the effects of aging.

Which Supplements I've Found To Be The Most Essential

Including... how to exercise smarter, not harder, to optimize adrenal function.

The 7th Tip Is Like The Icing On The Cake

This tip supercharges all the others.


My comprehensive book of 100 pages will not only teach you the individual keys, which are powerful in their own right, but also WHY they work, and why using all the tips in tandem will exponentially improve your results.

Knowledge is power... because once we know WHY something works, we are much more apt to be consistent in our application.

And the best part.... you don't have to scour the internet trying to figure all this out on your own.

 I've done the heavy lifting for you, and I can assure you that my approach to fitness, weight-loss, and anti-aging WORKS wonders when implemented in a synergistic way.

I Know This Program Works

I've witnessed the results time and time again in my own life, and in the lives of the many people I've coached throughout the years.

Here's What To Do Next

The cost of the book is only $4.99... you'll get it right away as a digital download. Once you place your order, you'll receive an email with a link to download the book. 

Are you still on the fence about buying the book? Still wondering if it will work for you?

I understand your reluctancy.... you've tried other programs without much success and am leery of trying something else.

So.... my answer is a definitive YES. My system will work for you. WHY? Because the protocols are based on human physiology and are backed by science. They work for anyone, regardless of age, size, race, or gender.


The keys will work IF you apply them. 

There is NO catch

Buy the book, learn the keys, incorporate them into your daily life, and REAP the benefits. It's not any more complicated than that. It boils down to this...

What is a complete transformation worth to you?

I so want that for you...

In summary.... I am offering you a 7-step system, in my 100-page book, that will transform your health, and your appearance... all for the price of a cup of coffee.

Click The Button Below To Buy My Transformational Book For Only $4.99

Contact me at HERE with any questions.

Holly Roylance 

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